NamQuyên (Q) Võ Lê Sugiyama, MPH is a sociological filmmaker and public health practitioner based in Southern California. She completed her respective Bachelor and Master degrees in Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley (2007-2011) and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (2015-2016). She currently works at Hollywood, Health & Society as the Senior Content Developer & Research Liaison (2020-present) and will be completing her MFA in Expanded Animation at the USC School of Cinematic Arts beginning in August 2024.

She grew up immersed in the local library and feverishly rewatching movies on her family’s VCR any time her mother and brothers were asleep. She’s been aware of her cinephilia since she was 9 years old.

Raised to be globally, politically, and socially aware, she pursued her undergraduate and graduate degrees in public health with the intent of helping vulnerable communities through a systemic and interpersonal level.

While pursuing formal education in public health, she spent her free time learning and refining her knowledge and practice of film criticism, film theory and filmmaking with the guidance of mentors and friends in critical cinema studies programs.

She can frequently be found powerlifting, reading, rock climbing, cycling, watching films, wrangling her cats, and relaxing with her husband.

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